Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day all you mommies!

What does being a mother mean?

Dictionary.com (which I frequent a lot) gives 35 results. Here are the top 19:
1. a female parent.
2. (often initial capital letter) one's female parent.
3. a mother-in-law, stepmother, or adoptive mother.
4. a term of address for a female parent or a woman having or regarded as having the status, function, or authority of a female parent.
5. a term of familiar address for an old or elderly woman.
6. mother superior.
7. a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone.
8. the qualities characteristic of a mother, as maternal affection: It is the mother in her showing itself.
9. something or someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else; origin or source.
10. (in disc recording) a mold from which stampers are made.
11. being a mother: a mother bird.
12. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a mother: mother love.
13. derived from or as if from one's mother; native: his mother culture.
14. bearing a relation like that of a mother, as in being the origin, source, or protector: the mother company and its affiliates; the mother computer and its network of terminals.
–verb (used with object)
15. to be the mother of; give origin or rise to.
16. to acknowledge oneself the author of; assume as one's own.
17. to care for or protect like a mother; act maternally toward.
–verb (used without object)
18. to perform the tasks or duties of a female parent; act maternally: a woman with a need to mother.
19. mother of all, the greatest or most notable example of: the mother of all mystery novels.

What does being a mother mean to me?

It means sleepless nights, fun-filled days, tears, smiles, laughs, new beginnings, a fresh start, a blank canvas, a heart filled with love, that you didn't know you could have. It means thinking all day at work about your little man, at home, wondering what he is doing, if he is thinking of you when you are gone, if he is wondering where you are, if he is OK. Is he getting enough vitamins, enough love, is he warm enough, is he hot, is he sick, will that rash go away, do I stimulate him enough, is he smart, is he happy? Is the door locked, is his car seat in good, what would I do if I fell down the stairs, is he breathing?!! And on and on it goes.

For me, being a mother, means constant worry.

For me, being a mother, means...this emotion, that I can not name. It means tears springing to my eyes when I think of him. It means imagining him when he grows up, what he will be, what he won't be. It means thinking of all the wonderful things I want to show him from the red robin that is chirping outside the window, to the cold hard fresh snow, to the sandy warm beach. There is so much I want to do with Bear that I only pray that there is enough time in my life to show him everything.

Being a mother, to me, means a completeness. My heart is full. My heart is content. I love every second, every sleepless night, every worry, every tear, every laugh, every smile, every second.

Bear, thank you, for making me a Mommy. Thank you for choosing me.

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